Local Partners
Ascentria Care Alliance
Their mission is to empower people and strengthen communities by offering a variety of home-based and specialized foster care services in NH. Services include parent education, behavior management, nutrition training and parent child communication skill building.
Website: www.ascentria.org
Care Net Pregnancy Center of Greater Concord
Their mission is to provide accurate information, support, and resources for those facing unplanned pregnancy. All of their services including pregnancy tests, options information sessions, ultrasounds and parenting classes are free and confidential.
Website: www.carenetconcord.com
Community Bridges
Their mission is to assure and maintain the integration, growth and interdependence of people with disabilities in their home communities, so they have positive control over the lives they have chosen for themselves. Community Bridges is a leader in the development of and advocacy for innovative approaches in supporting families.
Website: www.commmunitybridgesnh.orgRise Again Outreach
Their mission is to be an extension of the hands of God by caring for people in the community who need His touch through three primary ministry areas; Mobile Mission, Healing Ministries and Raceway Ministries.
Website: www.riseagainoutreach.org
Twin Rivers Food Pantry
Their mission is an emergency food pantry supporting households experiencing food insecurity in multi-town area of Franklin, NH. They operate respectful, caring, and nonjudgmental programs.
Website: www.twinriversfoodpantry.org
Joni and Friends New England
Their mission is to glorify God as they communicate the Gospel and mobilize the global church to evangelize, disciple and serve people with disability. They equip churches to welcome, include and disciple individuals and families with disabilities so they can engage in the life of their churches.
Website: www.joniandfriends.org/new-englandInternational Institute of New England
Their mission is to create opportunities for refugees and immigrants to succeed through resettlement, education, career advancement and pathways to citizenship.
Website: www.iine.org
Adult & Teen Challenge
Their mission is to bring healing to those struggling with drugs, alcohol or any other life-controlling issue through their 15-month residential program.
Website: www.tcnewhampshire.org
Do You Know Him? Ministries
Their mission is to provide hot meals, essential care, prayer, and weekly Bible studies for the homeless and under resourced members of the community.
Website: www.doyouknowhim-nh.org
Families In Transition – New Horizons
Their mission is to provide high quality housing to people experiencing homelessness across the state of New Hampshire as well as comprehensive services including integrated case management, skill building workshops, child and family therapy, and Intensive Outpatient Substance Use Treatment.
Website: www.fitnh.org
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Their mission is to present to athletes and coaches and all whom they influence the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. They train volunteers, coaches and student athletes to establish and grow ministries on each campus.
Website: www.fca.org
Real Options/Care Net
Their mission is to empower individuals to make informed, life-affirming decisions relating to pregnancy, sexual health and relationships by sharing the practical love of Jesus.
Website: realoptionsnh.org
Roca Kidz Club
Their mission is for kids to know the genuine love of God and be inspired to change the world around them. During weekly gatherings, kids walk to one of Roca’s locations in the center city to have dinner, play in different stations, have group games together and hear a gospel message.
Website: www.rocakidzclub.com
Light of Life Ministries
Their mission is to shine the light of hope and healing, through the love of Jesus, on those who have been impacted by sexual abuse and trauma. Through street outreach, their walk-in center and their Light House transitional housing program, they are constantly sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to neighbors who are homeless, hurting, addicted and exploited.
Website: https://www.lightoflifenh.org
1269 Café
Their mission is to provide for those facing homelessness hot meals six days a week, 3x/week food pantries, showers, clothing, short term storage lockers, and access to onsite support services such as medical care, recovery meetings, counseling, job training and placement. This all takes place in a safe environment for those in need to come and seek refuge. Jesus is at the root of all they do, and exist to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Website: https://thetwelveonunion.org
Bring it!
Their mission is to provide after-school programming for Manchester city students. Their goals are to help develop youth into teens and adults who will become positive contributors to our society. Their core values are hard work and respectfulness.
Website: www.bringitafterschool.org
Mount Zion Christian Schools, Inc.
Mount Zion Christian Schools provide an Academically Challenging, Christ-Centered Community that Equips Students with a Christian World-View Grounded in the Scriptures to Achieve Excellence in God's unique purpose for them.
Website: www.mountzionnh.org
Regional Partners
Their mission is to help college and university students discover God's dream for their life.
Website: www.sojourncollegiate.com
Global Partners
Their mission is to worship God, spread the message and the love of Jesus Christ in Rwanda and throughout East Africa and to bring positive changes in women’s spiritual, economic and social relationships.
Website: https://www.awhi.org
Their mission is to establish and grow relationships while discipling and demonstrating the love of God by living in community and modeling lives dedicated to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Website: https://reapgranada.org
The Mission is to equip church leaders in Rwanda. Rwanda Challenge is working to equip church leaders so churches can stay open in Rwanda. Under Rwandan laws enacted in 2018 which go into effect Sept 2023, for a congregation to meet it must have a legal preacher. A legal preacher must have at least an associate degree in Bible/Theology. Attaining an associate degree requires a high school diploma, English proficiency, and financial resources. Rwanda Challenge is providing resources and partnerships to meet these needs. Unless the deadline imposed by the law is extended due to COVID-19, several thousand churches in Rwanda will close beginning in September 2023. Rwanda Challenge believes healthy churches are the most effective means of spreading the gospel. Healthy churches need healthy leaders. Healthy leaders need a foundation of the truth of God’s Word.
Website: www.rwandachallenge.com