Hands On Ministry Experience
Residency Program
Jesus said in Matthew 9:37-38, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
New England needs more kingdom workers like you. As the Church, our mission is to reach the most people in the shortest time. Will you join us in praying for one? “God, please give me one person to share your love with.”
Discover Your Calling
We want to provide you the opportunity to learn from other ministry leaders, have hands on experience, and be able to use your gifts to share God's love with many. Designed for young adults in their 20's who have a heart for the unchurched and want to grow in their leadership.
Year Residency (11-months)
Seasonal Residency (10-12 weeks)
For each resident we provide…
Housing (with all utilities covered)
A weekly stipend
Hands on experience in any area you are passionate about
Our program offers a variety of ministry pathways ranging from students, children, worship, groups/Rooted, communication, production, church planting and more.
Serve Our Residents
We are are searching for adequate family homes who can assist us with providing additional housing options for our incoming seasonal and year residents.
Our Residency House provides temporary housing to both residents and guests alike throughout the year. We need a team of volunteers who can assist with room cleaning and preparation for the rotation of residents & guests.
The Residency House requires upkeep and maintenance like all of our other Outpost facilities. Unique seasonal projects both indoor and outdoor.
We all need people from multi-generations to listen and speak into our lives. Meet with a resident on a monthly basis to provide personal counsel, career coaching, and relational connection. If you are passionate about young adults and want to help them as they navigate life while learning to lead in ministry, please let us know.