A cabin, a cave, or the fire?
Shiloh’s experiences and memories uncover a common hopelessness found in life’s grandest illusions and delusions. Shiloh’s search for understanding, meaning, and escape takes him on an inward journey into the darkest place imaginable.
Shiloh’s story needed a soundtrack.
On October 22, 2023 you are invited to “Shiloh Battles”, the band, debut of the Shiloh Battles interactive soundtrack. A full band and multimedia experience awaits you on your journey inward. Stumbling is inevitable without a fire to light the way.
“The album “Shiloh Battles” by the band “Shiloh Battles” is greater than any creative endeavor I ever imagined getting to be a part of. Be warned…you may experience toe-tapping, head-bobbing, ear-worms, and ocular moisture.