Upcoming Events

Filtering by: “New Hampshire”
Child Dedication: Manchester Outpost

Child Dedication: Manchester Outpost

Parents and families! We’re hosting a celebration event where you can make a declaration of your commitment to raising your child in the ways of the Lord. As a church, we will stand with you and commit to partnering in this epic journey of parenthood by praying over your child with you, offering support and resources to aid along the way, and being a place for you and your child can come as you are and grow in your personal relationship with Jesus.

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Feed One
to Nov 17

Feed One

We will be partnering with local organizations to help provide the needs of Thanksgiving Dinner for families in your local community and you can be apart of this! All you need to do is pick up a shopping list from your outpost lobby right after service or check it out below for the Thanksgiving food list. Please bring items back to your local outpost by Sunday, November 17th. Thank you for helping make this Thanksgiving special for so many families in your local community!

2 boxes of stuffing
1 box of instant potatoes
2 cans of corn or/mixed vegetables
2 cans of gravy
1 can of cranberry sauce
1 pre-made graham cracker piecrust
1 large can fruit filling for pie
1 jiffy corn bread mix
1 grocery reusable bag
1 $10 gift card for local grocery store

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Child Dedication: Bedford Outpost

Child Dedication: Bedford Outpost

Parents and families! We’re hosting a celebration event where you can make a declaration of your commitment to raising your child in the ways of the Lord. As a church, we will stand with you and commit to partnering in this epic journey of parenthood by praying over your child with you, offering support and resources to aid along the way, and being a place for you and your child can come as you are and grow in your personal relationship with Jesus.

Check out our website for the upcoming events.

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Shiloh Battles At The Rex: A Concert Experience

Shiloh Battles At The Rex: A Concert Experience

A cabin, a cave, or the fire?

Shiloh’s experiences and memories uncover a common hopelessness found in life’s grandest illusions and delusions. Shiloh’s search for understanding, meaning, and escape takes him on an inward journey into the darkest place imaginable.

Shiloh’s story needed a soundtrack.

On October 22, 2023 you are invited to “Shiloh Battles”, the band, debut of the Shiloh Battles interactive soundtrack. A full band and multimedia experience awaits you on your journey inward. Stumbling is inevitable without a fire to light the way.

“The album “Shiloh Battles” by the band “Shiloh Battles” is greater than any creative endeavor I ever imagined getting to be a part of. Be warned…you may experience toe-tapping, head-bobbing, ear-worms, and ocular moisture.

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Concord Outpost: Mission Trip Info Meeting

Concord Outpost: Mission Trip Info Meeting

In 2024, we're going global again and would love it if you would consider joining us! Come to one of our global trip information meetings to learn details about trip opportunities, dates, and more!

Sunday 9/24 - Manchester 12:15 – 1:00 pm

Sunday 10/1 – Bedford 11:45 am – 12:30 pm

Tuesday 10/3 – Online via Zoom 7:00am – 7:45 pm

Sunday 10/15 – Concord 11:45 am – 12:30 pm

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Online Mission Trip Info Meeting

Online Mission Trip Info Meeting

In 2024, we're going global again and would love it if you would consider joining us! Come to one of our global trip information meetings to learn details about trip opportunities, dates, and more!

Sunday 9/24 - Manchester 12:15 – 1:00 pm

Sunday 10/1 – Bedford 11:45 am – 12:30 pm

Tuesday 10/3 – Online via Zoom 7:00pm – 7:45 pm

Sunday 10/15 – Concord 11:45 am – 12:30 pm

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Bedford Outpost: Mission Trip Info Meeting

Bedford Outpost: Mission Trip Info Meeting

In 2024, we're going global again and would love it if you would consider joining us! Come to one of our global trip information meetings to learn details about trip opportunities, dates, and more!

Sunday 9/24 - Manchester 12:15 – 1:00 pm

Sunday 10/1 – Bedford 11:45 am – 12:30 pm

Tuesday 10/3 – Online via Zoom 7:00am – 7:45 pm

Sunday 10/15 – Concord 11:45 am – 12:30 pm

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Manchester Outpost: Mission Trip Info Meeting

Manchester Outpost: Mission Trip Info Meeting

In 2024, we're going global again and would love it if you would consider joining us! Come to one of our global trip information meetings to learn details about trip opportunities, dates, and more!

Sunday 9/24 - Manchester 12:15 – 1:00 pm

Sunday 10/1 – Bedford 11:45 am – 12:30 pm

Tuesday 10/3 – Online via Zoom 7:00am – 7:45 pm

Sunday 10/15 – Concord 11:45 am – 12:30 pm

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Worship at the Wave

Worship at the Wave

Wednesday August 2nd at 6:30pm, One Church Franklin will be hosting a night of worship at trestle view park located next to the wave feature on the Winni river. This is a great event to be out in the town and inviting people to join us in worship.

How Great Thou Art 

 Then sings my soul my Savior God to Thee 
How great Thou art. How great Thou art 
Then sings my soul my Savior God to Thee 
How Great Thou art. How great Though art 
How great Thou art 
Oh Lord my God when I in awesome wonder 
Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made 
I see the stars I hear the rolling thunder 
Thy power throughout the universe displayed  

Then sings my soul my Savior God to Thee 
How great Thou art. How great Thou art 
Then sings my soul my Savior God to Thee 
How Great Thou art. How great Though art 
How great Thou art  

And when I think that God, His Son not sparing 
Send Him to die, I scarce can take it in 
That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing 
He bled and died, to take away my sin  

Then sings my soul my Savior God to Thee 
How great Thou art. How great Thou art 
Then sings my soul my Savior God to Thee 
How Great Thou art. How great Though art 
How great Thou art 

I Thank God  

You picked me up, You turned me around 
And placed my feet on solid ground 
I thank the Master, I thank the Savior 

 Because You healed my heart, You changed my name 
Forever free, I'm not the same 
I thank the Master, I thank the Savior, I thank God 

 I cannot deny what I've seen, got no choice but to believe 
My doubts are burn - in' like ashes in the wind 

 So, so long to my old friends, burden and bitterness 
You can just keep it moving, nah you ain't welcome here 

 From now till I walk streets of gold 
I'll sing of how You saved my soul 
This wayward son has found his way back home 

 You picked me up, You turned me around 
And placed my feet on solid ground 
I thank the Master, I thank the Savior  

Because You healed my heart, You changed my name 
Forever free, I'm not the same 
I thank the Master, I thank the Savior, I thank God 

 Hell lost another one, I am free, I am free, I am free (x4) 

 You picked me up, You turned me around 
And placed my feet on solid ground 
I thank the Master, I thank the Savior  

Because You healed my heart, You changed my name 
Forever free, I'm not the same 
I thank the Master, I thank the Savior, I thank God 

Goodness of God 

I love You Lord 
Oh Your mercy never fails me 
All my days 
I've been held in Your hands 
From the moment that I wake up 
Until I lay my head 
I will sing of the goodness of God 

 All my life You have been faithful 
All my life You have been so so good 
With every breath that I am able 
I will sing of the goodness of God  

I love Your voice 
You have led me through the fire 
In darkest night 
You are close like no other 
I've known You as a father 
I've known You as a friend 
I have lived in the goodness of God  

All my life You have been faithful 
All my life You have been so so good 
With every breath that I am able 
I will sing of the goodness of God  

Your goodness is running after 
It’s running after me 
Your goodness is running after 
It’s running after me 
With my life laid down 
I’m surrendered now 
I give You everything 
Your goodness is running after 
It's running after me (x2) 

 All my life You have been faithful 
All my life You have been so so good 
With every breath that I am able 
I will sing of the goodness of God 

Firm Foundation (He Won’t)  

Christ is my firm foundation, the rock on which I stand 
When everything a - round me is shaken, I’ve never been more glad 
That I put my faith in Jesus, ‘cause He’s never let me down 
He’s faithful through generations, so why would He fail now  

He won’t, He won’t  

I’ve still got joy in chaos, I’ve got peace that makes no sense 
I won’t be going under, I’m not held by my own strength 
‘Cause I’ve built my life on Jesus, He’s never let me down 
He’s faithful in every season, so why would He fail now  

He won't, He won’t 
He won’t fail, He won’t fail 

 Christ is my firm foundation, the rock on which I stand 
When everything a - round me is shaken, I’ve never been more glad 
That I put my faith in Jesus, ‘cause He’s never let me down 
He’s faithful through generations, so why would He fail now  

He won't, He won’t 
He won’t fail, He won’t fail  

Rain came and wind blew but my house was built on You 
I’m safe with You, I’m going to make it through (x2)  

I’m gonna to make it through, 'cause I’m standing strong on You 
I'm gonna make it through, 'cause my house is built on You 

 Christ is my firm foundation, the rock on which I stand 
When everything a - round me is shaken, I’ve never been more glad 
That I put my faith in Jesus, He’s never let me down 
He’s faithful through generations, so why would He fail now 

 He won't, He won’t 
He won’t fail, He won’t fail 


So I throw up my hands 
And praise You again and again 
‘Cause all that I have is a hallelujah hallelujah 
And I know it’s not much 
But I’ve nothing else fit for a king 
Except for a heart singing hallelujah 

All my words fall short 
I got nothing new 
How could I express 
All my gratitude  

I could sing these songs 
As I often do 
But every song must end 
And You never do  

So I throw up my hands 
And praise You again and again 
‘Cause all that I have is a hallelujah hallelujah 
And I know it’s not much 
But I’ve nothing else fit for a king 
Except for a heart singing hallelujah 

I’ve got one response 
I’ve got just one move 
With my arms stretched wide 
I will worship You  

Come on my soul 
Oh don’t you get shy on me 
Lift up your song 
‘Cause you’ve got a lion inside of those lungs 
Get up and praise the Lord (x3)  

So I throw up my hands 
And praise You again and again 
‘Cause all that I have is a hallelujah hallelujah 
And I know it’s not much 
But I’ve nothing else fit for a king 
Except for a heart singing hallelujah 

Holy Forever  

A thousand generations falling down in worship 
To sing the song of ages to the Lamb 
And all who’ve gone before us and all who will believe 
Will sing the song of ages to the Lamb  

Your name is the highest, Your name is the greatest 
Your name stands above them all 
All thrones and dominions, all pow'rs and positions 
Your name stands above them all  

And the angels cry “Holy” 
All creation cried “Holy” 
You are lifted high “Holy” 
Holy forever  

If you’ve been forgiven, and if you’ve been redeemed 
Sing the song forever to the Lamb 
If you walk in freedom, and if you bear his name 
Sing the song forever to the Lamb 
We’ll sing the song forever and amen  

And the angels cry “Holy” 
All creation cried “Holy” 
You are lifted high, Holy” 
Holy forever 

Hear your people sing “Holy” 
To the King of Kings “Holy” 
You will always be, Holy 
Holy Forever  

Your name is the highest, Your name is the greatest 
Your name stands above them all 
All thrones and dominions, all pow'rs and positions 
Your name stands above them all  

Your name is the highest, Your name is the greatest 
Your name stands above them all 
All thrones and dominions, all pow'rs and positions 
Your name stands above them all  

What a Beautiful Name 

 What a powerful Name it is, what a powerful Name it is 
The Name of Jesus Christ my King 
What a powerful Name it is, nothing compares to this 
What a powerful Name it is, the Name of Jesus  

Death could not hold You the veil tore be-fore You 
You silence the boast of sin and grave 
The heavens are roaring the praise of Your glory 
For You are raised to life again  

You have no rival You have no equal 
Now and for-ever God You reign 
Yours is the kingdom, Yours is the glory 
Yours is the Name above all names  

What a powerful Name it is, what a powerful Name it is 
The Name of Jesus Christ my King 
What a powerful Name it is, nothing compares to this 
What a powerful Name it is the Name of Jesus 

I Speak Jesus  

I just want to speak the Name of Jesus 
Over every heart and every mind 
'Cause I know there is peace within Your presence 
I speak Jesus  

I just want to speak the Name of Jesus 
diction starts to break 
Declaring there is hope and there is freedom 
I speak Jesus  

Your Name is power, Your Name is healing 
Your Name is life 
Break every stronghold, shine through the shadows 
Burn like a fire 

 I just want to speak the Name of Jesus 
Over fear and all anxiety 
To every soul held captive by depression 
I speak Jesus  

Your Name is power, Your Name is healing 
Your Name is life 
Break every stronghold, shine through the shadows 
Burn like a fire 

 Your Name is power, Your Name is healing 
Your Name is life 
Break every stronghold, shine through the shadows 
Burn like a fire  

Shout Jesus from the mountains, Jesus in the streets 
Jesus in the darkness over every enemy 
Jesus for my family, I speak the holy Name, Jesus  

Shout Jesus from the mountains, Jesus in the streets 
Jesus in the darkness over every enemy 
Jesus for my family, I speak the holy Name, Jesus 

 Your Name is power, Your Name is healing 
Your Name is life 
Break every stronghold, shine through the shadows 
Burn like a fire 


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CIY: Move
to Jul 29

CIY: Move

Move is a 5-day high school (Upcoming 9th-graduating seniors) event at Salisbury University in Salisbury MD, designed to amplify Christ’s call on students’ lives to become kingdom workers. In this week away on a college campus students are challenged through intense, interactive worship, dynamic preaching, and small group study. Our students will be transformed through this amazing week of encountering God and challenged and equipped to move beyond the event as Kingdom workers.

Early Bird: $360 (available through May 15th)

Regular: $385 (after May 15th, registration cut off June 16th)

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Back to School Drive
to Aug 13

Back to School Drive

Be apart of your community in giving back to local children and teachers with school supplies. We are having a back to school drive for the upcoming school year. When you stop by your local outpost pick up more information regarding supplies needed for your community. Lets love our neighbors who are heading into the new school year. All supplies are due back by Sunday, August 13th. Click the links below for each outpost’s list of supplies needed. Please return each outpost’s supplies to the correct outpost.

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Grab your grass skirts, Hawaiian shirts, and your sense of adventure, because we’re having a luau! Get ready for an unforgettable fusion of pulled pork, epic limbo showdowns, and water-soaked shenanigans that will have you laughing, splashing, and hula-dancing the afternoon away. We’ll be serving up pulled pork sandwiches with coleslaw, watermelon, desserts, and refreshments. There will be a contest for best BBQ sauce too, so sign up below!

Bring your own white item to tye dye! We’ll have dye supplies, all you need is an item to dye.

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Adventure Bible Camp
to Jun 29

Adventure Bible Camp

“Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” Ephesians 6:10

Calling all superheroes! 

We need your help to fight against the darkness that’s spreading across the city. Come train with friends and teammates to grow in strength, courage, and wisdom, and learn how to suit up for the battle.

Join One Kids as we explore what it means to be a superhero, heroes and villains in the Bible, and how to be "battle ready" with Jesus by our side. Kids who are 4 years old through graduating 5th graders are invited to join us at Adventure Bible Camp!

Become a Hero: Monday, June 26th thru Thursday, June 29th 9am-12pm

Price: $50 for 1 registrant or $75 total for families of 2 or more registrants

*Some scholarships available, please submit a scholarship form here before registering and we will follow up with you with a discount code!

*Volunteers with children attending, check with Sarah Delitta for your discount code before registering.

Want your free mask and cape? Apply here to VOLUNTEER!

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One Students: Pond Party

One Students: Pond Party

Get ready to make a splash at our epic Pond Party, the most anticipated event of the summer for One Students! Dive into a day filled with laughter, delicious food, and thrilling games that will leave you soaked with excitement. We’ll be firing up the grill with burgers, hot dogs, and chicken. So gather your friends, bring your positive vibes, and prepare for an unforgettable Pond Party!

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Meals On Wheels
to Jun 21

Meals On Wheels

We are teaming up with Meals on Wheels! We will collect non perishable foods until June 21st at the Manchester Outpost. On that day One Church Manchester/Bedford Students will be making lunch bags that we will be donating to meals on wheels so they can drive them to those in need! Here is a list of items Meals on Wheels request for the bags.

Food Items
Peanut Butter, Almond Butter
Granola Bars
Tuna, Chicken, Salmon, Turkey, Ham in Pouches/Bags or Cans
Dried Fruits
Canned Fruits & Vegetables
Dry Pasta
Mac & Cheese
Pasta Sauce
Beans & Lentils 
Soup, Chili, Stew – Canned or Boxed
Boxed Mixes (cornbread, muffins)
Dried Spice Blends

Non-food Items
Jar Openers
Small Hand Sanitizers

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